Struct pulumi_wasm_docker::DockerBuildBuilder

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pub struct DockerBuildBuilder<___State = __DockerBuildBuilderInitialState> { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

Use builder syntax to set the required parameters and finish by calling the method Self::build_struct().



impl<__AddHosts, __Args, __BuilderVersion, __CacheFrom, __Context, __Dockerfile, __Network, __Platform, __Target> DockerBuildBuilder<(__AddHosts, __Args, __BuilderVersion, __CacheFrom, __Context, __Dockerfile, __Network, __Platform, __Target)>


pub fn build_struct(self) -> DockerBuild
where __AddHosts: IntoSet<Option<Box<Option<Vec<String>>>>, DockerBuildBuilder__add_hosts>, __Args: IntoSet<Option<Box<Option<HashMap<String, String>>>>, DockerBuildBuilder__args>, __BuilderVersion: IntoSet<Option<Box<Option<BuilderVersion>>>, DockerBuildBuilder__builder_version>, __CacheFrom: IntoSet<Option<Box<Option<CacheFrom>>>, DockerBuildBuilder__cache_from>, __Context: IntoSet<Option<Box<Option<String>>>, DockerBuildBuilder__context>, __Dockerfile: IntoSet<Option<Box<Option<String>>>, DockerBuildBuilder__dockerfile>, __Network: IntoSet<Option<Box<Option<String>>>, DockerBuildBuilder__network>, __Platform: IntoSet<Option<Box<Option<String>>>, DockerBuildBuilder__platform>, __Target: IntoSet<Option<Box<Option<String>>>, DockerBuildBuilder__target>,

Finishes building and returns the requested object.


pub fn maybe_add_hosts( self, value: Option<impl Into<Box<Option<Vec<String>>>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::AddHosts
where __AddHosts: IsUnset,

Same as [Self::r#add_hosts], but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn add_hosts( self, value: impl Into<Box<Option<Vec<String>>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::AddHosts
where __AddHosts: IsUnset,

Custom host-to-IP mappings to use while building (format: “host:ip”)


pub fn maybe_args( self, value: Option<impl Into<Box<Option<HashMap<String, String>>>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::Args
where __Args: IsUnset,

Same as [Self::r#args], but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn args( self, value: impl Into<Box<Option<HashMap<String, String>>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::Args
where __Args: IsUnset,

An optional map of named build-time argument variables to set during the Docker build. This flag allows you to pass build-time variables that can be accessed like environment variables inside the RUN instruction.


pub fn maybe_builder_version( self, value: Option<impl Into<Box<Option<BuilderVersion>>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::BuilderVersion
where __BuilderVersion: IsUnset,

Same as [Self::r#builder_version], but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn builder_version( self, value: impl Into<Box<Option<BuilderVersion>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::BuilderVersion
where __BuilderVersion: IsUnset,

The version of the Docker builder.


pub fn maybe_cache_from( self, value: Option<impl Into<Box<Option<CacheFrom>>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::CacheFrom
where __CacheFrom: IsUnset,

Same as [Self::r#cache_from], but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn cache_from( self, value: impl Into<Box<Option<CacheFrom>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::CacheFrom
where __CacheFrom: IsUnset,

A list of image names to use as build cache. Images provided must have a cache manifest. Must provide authentication to cache registry.


pub fn maybe_context( self, value: Option<impl Into<Box<Option<String>>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::Context
where __Context: IsUnset,

Same as [Self::r#context], but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn context( self, value: impl Into<Box<Option<String>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::Context
where __Context: IsUnset,

The path to the build context to use.


pub fn maybe_dockerfile( self, value: Option<impl Into<Box<Option<String>>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::Dockerfile
where __Dockerfile: IsUnset,

Same as [Self::r#dockerfile], but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn dockerfile( self, value: impl Into<Box<Option<String>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::Dockerfile
where __Dockerfile: IsUnset,

The path to the Dockerfile to use.


pub fn maybe_network( self, value: Option<impl Into<Box<Option<String>>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::Network
where __Network: IsUnset,

Same as [Self::r#network], but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn network( self, value: impl Into<Box<Option<String>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::Network
where __Network: IsUnset,

Set the networking mode for RUN instructions


pub fn maybe_platform( self, value: Option<impl Into<Box<Option<String>>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::Platform
where __Platform: IsUnset,

Same as [Self::r#platform], but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn platform( self, value: impl Into<Box<Option<String>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::Platform
where __Platform: IsUnset,

The architecture of the platform you want to build this image for, e.g. linux/arm64.


pub fn maybe_target( self, value: Option<impl Into<Box<Option<String>>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::Target
where __Target: IsUnset,

Same as [Self::r#target], but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn target( self, value: impl Into<Box<Option<String>>>, ) -> <Self as __DockerBuildBuilderSetMember>::Target
where __Target: IsUnset,

The target of the Dockerfile to build

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<___State> Freeze for DockerBuildBuilder<___State>
where ___State: Freeze,


impl<___State> RefUnwindSafe for DockerBuildBuilder<___State>
where ___State: RefUnwindSafe,


impl<___State> Send for DockerBuildBuilder<___State>
where ___State: Send,


impl<___State> Sync for DockerBuildBuilder<___State>
where ___State: Sync,


impl<___State> Unpin for DockerBuildBuilder<___State>
where ___State: Unpin,


impl<___State> UnwindSafe for DockerBuildBuilder<___State>
where ___State: UnwindSafe,

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.