Struct pulumi_wasm_docker::get_logs::GetLogsArgsBuilder

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pub struct GetLogsArgsBuilder<___State = __GetLogsArgsBuilderInitialState> { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

Use builder syntax to set the required parameters and finish by calling the method Self::build_struct().



impl<__Details, __DiscardHeaders, __Follow, __LogsListStringEnabled, __Name, __ShowStderr, __ShowStdout, __Since, __Tail, __Timestamps, __Until> GetLogsArgsBuilder<(__Details, __DiscardHeaders, __Follow, __LogsListStringEnabled, __Name, __ShowStderr, __ShowStdout, __Since, __Tail, __Timestamps, __Until)>


pub fn build_struct(self) -> GetLogsArgs
where __Details: IntoSet<Option<Output<Option<bool>>>, GetLogsArgsBuilder__details>, __DiscardHeaders: IntoSet<Option<Output<Option<bool>>>, GetLogsArgsBuilder__discard_headers>, __Follow: IntoSet<Option<Output<Option<bool>>>, GetLogsArgsBuilder__follow>, __LogsListStringEnabled: IntoSet<Option<Output<Option<bool>>>, GetLogsArgsBuilder__logs_list_string_enabled>, __Name: IntoSet<Output<String>, GetLogsArgsBuilder__name>, __ShowStderr: IntoSet<Option<Output<Option<bool>>>, GetLogsArgsBuilder__show_stderr>, __ShowStdout: IntoSet<Option<Output<Option<bool>>>, GetLogsArgsBuilder__show_stdout>, __Since: IntoSet<Option<Output<Option<String>>>, GetLogsArgsBuilder__since>, __Tail: IntoSet<Option<Output<Option<String>>>, GetLogsArgsBuilder__tail>, __Timestamps: IntoSet<Option<Output<Option<bool>>>, GetLogsArgsBuilder__timestamps>, __Until: IntoSet<Option<Output<Option<String>>>, GetLogsArgsBuilder__until>,

Finishes building and returns the requested object.


pub fn maybe_details( self, value: Option<impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::Details
where __Details: IsUnset,

Same as Self::details, but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn details( self, value: impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::Details
where __Details: IsUnset,

Sets the value of details. See GetLogsArgs::builder() for more info.


pub fn maybe_discard_headers( self, value: Option<impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::DiscardHeaders
where __DiscardHeaders: IsUnset,

Same as Self::discard_headers, but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn discard_headers( self, value: impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::DiscardHeaders
where __DiscardHeaders: IsUnset,

Discard headers that docker appends to each log entry


pub fn maybe_follow( self, value: Option<impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::Follow
where __Follow: IsUnset,

Same as Self::follow, but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn follow( self, value: impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::Follow
where __Follow: IsUnset,

Sets the value of follow. See GetLogsArgs::builder() for more info.


pub fn maybe_logs_list_string_enabled( self, value: Option<impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::LogsListStringEnabled
where __LogsListStringEnabled: IsUnset,

Same as Self::logs_list_string_enabled, but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn logs_list_string_enabled( self, value: impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::LogsListStringEnabled
where __LogsListStringEnabled: IsUnset,

If true populate computed value logs_list_string


pub fn name( self, value: impl Into<Output<String>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::Name
where __Name: IsUnset,

The name of the Docker Container


pub fn maybe_show_stderr( self, value: Option<impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::ShowStderr
where __ShowStderr: IsUnset,

Same as Self::show_stderr, but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn show_stderr( self, value: impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::ShowStderr
where __ShowStderr: IsUnset,

Sets the value of show_stderr. See GetLogsArgs::builder() for more info.


pub fn maybe_show_stdout( self, value: Option<impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::ShowStdout
where __ShowStdout: IsUnset,

Same as Self::show_stdout, but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn show_stdout( self, value: impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::ShowStdout
where __ShowStdout: IsUnset,

Sets the value of show_stdout. See GetLogsArgs::builder() for more info.


pub fn maybe_since( self, value: Option<impl Into<Output<Option<String>>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::Since
where __Since: IsUnset,

Same as Self::since, but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn since( self, value: impl Into<Output<Option<String>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::Since
where __Since: IsUnset,

Sets the value of since. See GetLogsArgs::builder() for more info.


pub fn maybe_tail( self, value: Option<impl Into<Output<Option<String>>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::Tail
where __Tail: IsUnset,

Same as Self::tail, but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn tail( self, value: impl Into<Output<Option<String>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::Tail
where __Tail: IsUnset,

Sets the value of tail. See GetLogsArgs::builder() for more info.


pub fn maybe_timestamps( self, value: Option<impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::Timestamps
where __Timestamps: IsUnset,

Same as Self::timestamps, but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn timestamps( self, value: impl Into<Output<Option<bool>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::Timestamps
where __Timestamps: IsUnset,

Sets the value of timestamps. See GetLogsArgs::builder() for more info.


pub fn maybe_until( self, value: Option<impl Into<Output<Option<String>>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::Until
where __Until: IsUnset,

Same as Self::until, but accepts an Option as input. See that method’s documentation for more details.


pub fn until( self, value: impl Into<Output<Option<String>>>, ) -> <Self as __GetLogsArgsBuilderSetMember>::Until
where __Until: IsUnset,

Sets the value of until. See GetLogsArgs::builder() for more info.

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<___State> Freeze for GetLogsArgsBuilder<___State>
where ___State: Freeze,


impl<___State> RefUnwindSafe for GetLogsArgsBuilder<___State>
where ___State: RefUnwindSafe,


impl<___State> Send for GetLogsArgsBuilder<___State>
where ___State: Send,


impl<___State> Sync for GetLogsArgsBuilder<___State>
where ___State: Sync,


impl<___State> Unpin for GetLogsArgsBuilder<___State>
where ___State: Unpin,


impl<___State> UnwindSafe for GetLogsArgsBuilder<___State>
where ___State: UnwindSafe,

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.