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Checklist for new language

New language should have the following features:

  • component:pulumi-gestalt/pulumi-main.main Entrypoint
  • Abstration over Output<T> (mapping, combining)
  • Function map loop described in Output
  • Generating glue code for providers

pulumi_gestalt_rust and pulumi_gestalt_macro should be used as an example - combined they have about 100 LOC and they only create abstration over Wasm calls.


Saving provider metadata in binary

When generating glue code for providers, it is possible to save provider metadata in binary. This is done by adding custom section to binary.

(@custom "pulumi_gestalt_provider::random" (after data) "{\22version\22:\224.15.0\22,\22pluginDownloadURL\22:null}")
(@custom "pulumi_gestalt_provider::docker" (after data) "{\22version\22:\224.5.3\22,\22pluginDownloadURL\22:null}")

In Rust, it looks like this:

#[link_section = "pulumi_gestalt_provider::docker"]
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub static PULUMI_WASM_PROVIDER_DOCKER: [u8; 44] = *b"{\"version\":\"4.5.3\",\"pluginDownloadURL\":null}";

Key is pulumi_gestalt_provider::<provider_name> and value is JSON with required version and optional pluginDownloadURL fields. Both of these keys are available in the provider's schema.